Memorial Day - Cookout at 'not my' place

This is my 2nd cookout at "my" house :) I invited my friends from Charlotte South and we had a cookout complete with hamburgers, hot dogs, turkey burgers, potato salad, baked beans, banana pudding, strawberry shortcake, cheerwine, and sweet tea! It was so much fun to have people over, definitely one of my favorite things to do! I love being a hostess :) DJ on the grill. Thanks boys :)
Chris and Tom helping DJ cook.
Rebecca, Christine, and I.
A little closer.
The condiments area...and some pretty flowers of course.
Look at all those beans!
Mama Rebecca and Christine hanging out with Colin.
Little baby Colin!
Casey and Melissa playing a little game of catch in the yard with Brad.
Lots of fun times! This tradition is one that will continue on for sure :) Wherever I may be....there will be a party!


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