Conversations of the deeper kind.

In life, you have different kind of conversations with different people. Let me explain. Shallow conversations get on my nerves.

The ones that go "hi, how are you...good, how are you doing?...great, thanks for asking".

Then there are others that are not quite as shallow as that, that are more like "How was your weekend, what's new in your life, got a boyfriend?...or, how's your family, Oh, my family, they're doing ok..."

The kind I actually prefer are the real ones. I know this sounds simple, but, they are better conversations. I like deep thinkers. I like witty people. I like people who want to know how your brain works and want to tell you how theirs works and want to really get to the heart and soul of the matter. Even if there's not a matter. Maybe there's just a random thought. I have some people in my life, when you really get to talking about heart issues, freak out. My mom is one of them. She'll say "it is what it is"...or "it'll be fine, everything will be fine"...or "this too will pass". Where, yes, she is probably right. Not everything in the world that happens in your life needs to be analyzed and discussed, but, alot of times, it helps. Just get it all out. Talk out your thoughts.

I have certain friends I call if I'm feeling like I haven't had any real or challenging conversations. Kristen Plack is one of those. I'll call her when I'm really feeling like I need to get deeper into something. Or Kristen Thomas, she's great at speaking truth. Maybe that's what it is, speaking truth. Lindsay Fog was great at just reading the word and then sharing about what God has really been teaching her. These people don't have giant walls up and they like telling you what's on their heart and mind. The real stuff.

I love, and I mean LOVE, or thoroughly enjoy, long conversations. About anything. Let's talk about the sky. The stars. Can we talk about how crazy it is to imagine that those stars go on forever? When you look up at the sky and just stare at it, the stars...they go on forever. It's a hard thought to wrap your brain around but I love talking about it. Or Paul. Let's talk about Paul and all the craziness he went through for the sake of Jesus and spreading the gospel all around the world. Or relationships. Let's talk about what a real healthy relationship looks like. And not beat around the bush.

Or, tell me about the time your grandfather died. How did it affect you, what did you learn from it?

What was the most couragous thing you've ever done?
What kind of thing makes you leap with excitement?

I like these kinds of questions. Because they get to other things. Not shallow and superficial things. I want people around me who are going to challenge me to THINK and FEEL. Not just live life a day at a time doing stupid things and saying stupid things and having shallow conversation. I'm not saying every conversation has to be like this. But, I feel like people don't have them enough. Or maybe just some people don't have them enough.

Talk real to me.


Adam McCullough said…
Ginny, I know exactly what you mean. I've really enjoyed reading your blog lately for this very reason. You communicate very well your thoughts, ideas, frustrations, and questions. I think we have all, especially our generation, have lost some of the art of conversation. We like to stick to the light stuff because it won't cause any problems or require much effort on our part to THINK. We would much rather go about peaceably than to engage one another in conversation that might lead to debate, hopefully not arguing, but healthy debate and discussion. And it doesn't even have to be on extremely deep things but genuine openness to others of your feelings, thoughts, and concerns, etc. I think a big part is that we don't know how to be open with others, or others don't know how to handle openness when they receive it. Our generation avoids openness and accountability, but would rather hide behind entertainment and idle things than to engage in healthy discussions. I don't think, for us, that is biblical. Read through Acts and you will see that the early Church was very close and open with one another, very familial, exemplary of what biological family should look like.

Great thoughts!! Keep them coming. See, we could have had this great conversation last night, but nooooo, you had to ditch us and stay in Charlotte. j/k.
Katie said…
ahhh, so trueee!!! i love looong, deep conversations, too!!! :)

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