Inside out Day 2

Today I read in Luke 8 and did Yoga. Weird combo.
(Disclaimer: I don't do all the weird meditating and religious parts. I'm just trying to get my stretch on.)
I could feel my abs still kinda sore from the surgery, but hopefully the Yoga and similar classes will help stretch it out again.
We also played boggy pong at the church tonight, so much fun! So technically I worked out twice :)
There's alot of good stuff in Luke 8. I didn't realize that Mary Magdalene had seven demons come out of her. Random fact.
I hope that I am one of the seeds that is planted in good soil like in verse 15, where it says "But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop". I know there have been many times in my life where I've felt like rocky soil. I also think it's interesting when Jesus calms the storm, the disciples are surprised that he could do it. They even ask "who is this" after they called him Master. How often do I do that in life!? I have a 'storm' come up, tell God what's happening, ask for help, and then act surprised when he calms it.


April said…
love this new plan of yours. I think I will join you:)

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