Give me a tin roof, a front porch and a gravel road...that's home to me.

What could be better than a tin roof, a front porch, and a gravel road? Add some sweet tea to it and it's delightful. Just thinking about the people in my life who have contributed to this part of me...(disclaimer, this post has lots of dot dot dots)
You know how you have friends that you can stay on the phone with for hours at a time and talk about nothing, or sit on a swing and be silent and a million words are spoken without using you can walk on the beach and not realize how far you've gone and when you stop you're miles away...those nights in college where you'd just lay on the bed talking forever about who knows what...that's what world I'm in at this moment. If only I could stay in it without the responsibilities of the the 'real' world coming in. I could talk myself out of it with thoughts about money, purpose in life, being responsible and a grown up, or I can sit here and reminisce about the good ole times. There's a reason I feel the urge to run through a field when I pass by one on the highway. I get this urge inside to jump out of the car and run til my legs hurt. Or the feeling that wells up in my heart when I smell salt water and hear the waves crashing and twirling on the beach at dusk. It's this strange sense of LIFE. This amazing gift of feeling alive that you can't really explain. Some days I feel as though I'm losing it but there are people in my life and sometimes memories in my life of people that keep me remembering to be like that. Sometimes I wish I were more naive, like I trusted easily and believed everything to be good, I think it's messed me up sometimes. I know God's given me those experiences so I can be aware of what's going on around me and hopefully those things will never happen again, but they do cause you to be cynical about life. I don't want the cynicism. I want the soul searching, reach for the stars, reckless abandon, let your heart run free, goose bumps and laughter, dancing in the living room type of mentality. Riding in the boat and docking up on some local restaurant and chatting with the locals about the tides and what's biting today. Seeing an old Chevy ride down a dirt road and stirring up dust. Cornfields and cotton candy and learning how to work with your hands by shucking corn or stringing green beans. Rocking in a chair on the porch with a cool breeze coming by, the sound of crickets at night through a screen, the sun shining in your window on a spring saturday and spending the day planting things for fun, waterfalls and hiking, Christmas trees....and lights :) and hot cocoa...
I'm grateful for the people in my life that have helped me think and stay this way. I think you need those types of people in your probably need the responsible ones too...but I don't want to ever lose that carefree side. Give me a big open field....or a dirt road, or the sand in my toes...oh how I long for it.


shaebe27 said…
this blog makes me happy. really happy. and makes me want to be all those places right NOW! haha. ginny is a free spirit. thats what my mom says about you . i believe it will always be 'Ginny' to those who know you..not to say you arent responsible too..haha

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