Change from the inside out

After Adam asked me to marry him I came to the conclusion that I needed to implement some much lost, must needed discipline into my life to prepare for marriage and being a wife. I started reading through the new testament and that part has gone rather well. I'm at Luke 7 now because I read about a chapter a day and journal some. I never realized how easy it is if you set a goal for yourself that's not too far above what you can realistically reach.
I also knew that I needed some sort of exercise plan in my life. That part is not going as well as I'd hoped. After two surgeries it is very difficult to get back in the rhythm of working out on a daily basis. What I'm going to do is blog each day about what I've read and what type of exercise I have completed. Today for example, I read Luke 7 and walk/jogged for about 40 minutes. (The plan was to run but I realized I'm way too out of shape for a 40 min run).
This way I have accountability to my readers and might even inspire a few to get off DVR and be active :)
God commands us in the bible to read his Word because it's how we learn and grow to know him. There are also verses about our body being a temple. Both of these things convict me on a daily basis. I wake up thinking about "Getting with God before getting with others" and the desire to do something with my body to take care of it, since God has loaned it to me. I don't want to be lazy, and on the wedding side of it...I want to look great in my dress! Haha.
I definitely do not always take action on these convictions and that's why I'm putting this plan in place! This way, I'm making a change on the inside by nourishing my heart with God's word and making a change on the outside by keeping myself healthy and exercising.
Keep checking back and call me out if I'm not keeping up to my end of the deal!


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