I think I offend people

Truth: I think I offend people. Some people just get on my nerves. While I realize this is not a "godly woman" kind of comment...sometimes that is how I react to people. I get annoyed when people speak condescendingly to me. I get annoyed when others question my word. I get annoyed when people lie. I get annoyed when people try to tell what they are learning from the Lord to others as though that is what THEY should be learning at that exact same season of life. These things...ugh. I get annoyed when people who have kids talk to people who don't have kids like they are stupid or ignorant. Same goes with married people and single people. I cannot be the only person that struggles with this. And I try really hard to filter what I say...so usually I'm only thinking that I'm annoyed but occasionally it pops right out of my mouth before I have time to catch it. I think as I've gotten older I've gotten more and more jaded towards certain things. I love people, I do. And I certainly love showing people God's love. But I have stopped putting effort into relationships where the other person does not. I'm not going to beg you to be my friend or speak to me or spend time with me. It's kindof ridiculous when you think about it. Now, I have some really fabulous friends...and a lot of friends who don't live near where I do. But we keep up. We pick up right where we left off, but we are on the same page with this. I have some "friends" who I call, text, invite...etc and they just don't respond, like, ever. Well...why waste my time? Not gonna do it :) I am so thankful for the wonderful friends I do have, so I am gonna put all my time and energy into those relationships! And they blossom, and I love it! And, I'm just going to stop being around these annoying people that do these annoying things. Haha.


Kelly said…
AMEN!!! I had the same convo with some of my college friends. Its so hard when you put forth such an effort with some people and they dont even meet you halfway.
Monica said…
A-men! A-men! A-A-men, A-men, A-men!!! Thank you for sharing this! You are not alone sister! It is very difficult to show God's love to some people. I believe as long as you are in immediate contact with them you should try but don't go out of your way to LOVE THEM LIKE JESUS if they don't even want you around. You are only opening the door to let bitterness into your heart!
P.S. I worked with Adam!
Lauren V. said…
Also, I apologize about the novel.
Lauren V. said…
Haha, were we separated at birth? Seriously. It is for all of those reasons that I am convinced I am not meant to be in the South. While I know sinners are sinners everywhere, this (frequently) Southern culture of little white lies bugs me. I'm a lot more OK when people are up-front and don't lie about their issues, whether it's not wanting to hang out with me (I'm pretty sure I'll survive if you just tell me that up front) or whether it's about you thinking I'm somehow less worthy of your attention because of where God has me right now. Just be real. Be tactful, but be honest. The fake niceness, the surface friendships and the dancing around the truth all incessantly annoy me. I agree with you, I want to love them like Jesus does, but Jesus also spent most of his time with people who had a lot less of a high opinion of themselves than the Pharisees did.

So, all that said, don't feel like honesty in relationships means you offend people. One of the most loving things you or I can do is speak truth to people. If someone takes offense at you telling them the truth about their self-righteousness or ignorance, may they be offended by truth and not by your honest manner.
Ginny said…
Thanks guys! :) I appreciate your feedback!

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