What to write about?

Usually I am an avid blogger. This time of year for some reason is always the busiest. I don't know if it is because of the adjusting to time change, the celebrations, or spring fever piped in and now we want to 'do' more. Our computer crashed when we moved to our new place, so I haven't taken any pictures since then...well, literally since January and our birthdays. For those of you who know me well, this is unheard of. This weekend we will be going to visit my parents at Holden so there will most definitely be pictures! I will post them after this weekend. In the meantime, here is an email I sent to 3 of my friends updating them on life a week or so ago. Enjoy...

This week has been hard for me. I am making it through of course but I am exhausted and so since I have had zero time this week to contact anyone really I thought I would send an email. A couple of weeks ago my old boss from Eola Capital (the real estate company) called and asked if I would come in and fill in for them at the reception desk. They paid me really well so that was awesome and in the midst of it, my old boss Bryan said I needed to go through the recruiting agency because that was the easiest way for them to pay me since I wasn't on payroll. This was the agency I originally went through when I got hired on with them. After I worked for them a few days the agency called and asked if I would be interested in anything else. . Last week though they called and said they had a job for me for 6 days (last Fri through this Friday) for an Engineering firm. It's a really reputable one and a fun place to work in, my opinion, the coolest part of Charlotte. (called SouthEnd - the old historic district but very artsy, cool and fun!) The building is an old cottonmill and warehouse made into offices.  I'm thankful that God provided this for us this week because we had a few unexpected bills so this will pay those, but man, it has been beyond exhausting! I forgot what it was like to work full time and then to have such a busy schedule and trying to keep a house running and clothes clean for Adam and me (and trust me, laundry for two is alot more than one!) and healthy food for us.  I hope I don't sound like I'm complaining (bc I know we're supposed to do everythying without complaining or arguing!) I just seriously forgot what this was like and the last time I worked full time I did not have a husband! Haha. I can say though that these Engineers are some of the most organized, nicest people ever.  So many of them went to NC State or Clemson...my two fav schools! OK so a life update, on Mondays, Adam and I have a hometeam we are in led by Scott Brooks (Kristi's husband) at their house and right now we are going through Genesis. We just finished going through the book Trusting God by Jerry Bridges which, is by far the best book I have ever read in my life! At the same time we were going through that I was in a bible study led by Scott's Mom, Kay, that is called Spiritual Salve for your Soul. It is AMAZING. Kay and Paul (Scott's dad) have a ministry that they do now that they are retired that they do biblical counseling and ya'll...it is no joke! They spend half their time here and half in DC. So Kay leads the women's study and they also do biblical marriage counseling together. The Salve study has challenged me like no other. It was a 15 week study. You did a 40 minute study each day and then we met once a week to discuss. Kristi and I did it with Kay and now Kristi is leading it with some other women. I hope to be able to lead it soon. In addition to that, Adam is on a Men's softball team with the Hartford and loves it. I am the only wife that goes to the games, seriously, the only fan. (This week another one was there, so it was fun getting to know her) I really pray that we are being a witness to the guys there! On Wednesday nights we are doing Dave Ramsey's "Financial Peace University" at a local church and then after we go to "The Pursuit" which is the student group meeting that Brad teaches. Adam gets to teach every now and then too. On Thursdays is when Adam and I do biblical marriage counseling with Paul and Kay. We are going through the book "Strengthening your marriage" by Wayne Mack. We are not having problems :) we are just trying to make our marriage as strong as possible so it will be a witness to others! It is awesome. Tomorrow, we start this thing with our pastor - not really sure what it will entail but it's on Thursdays just for the month of May at 6-7am. Um, we are crazy people but we love it.
On Sundays, we are starting this Sunday a new high school hometeam for juniors and seniors that we will be teaching them about adapting to college (most of them are seniors).
Also - if I haven't told you guys, we coupon, and man, we save 50% every week at the grocery store! That's just a small tidbit.
OK well that is my life in a nutshell since I haven't been able to update you all in forever!
Let me know what is going on with you!


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