Best times to shop!

 I am no expert and I know several reports have a list out about the best time of the year to purchase specific items. What I do know....Memorial day and the week after Christmas have the best sales so far that I have seen. Really. Adam and I have held off on buying anything new for a year and a half while trying to pay off debt and get caught up from last year. Now that we are doing Dave Ramsey's financial peace university we actually have an envelope for clothing and it is high time that we replace some old things that need replacing. I also "had a growth spurt" after we got married, so shorts were in drastic need. You can find the best times to buy items at Kiplinger's , , or Real Simple. And next Memorial Day I suggest you hit the mall for some really great deals!
Here are a few pictures from our Memorial Day. I hope yours was fabulous!
Colin and Katelyn having a blast!
Where there are guys, there are games.

Me, Quinn, and Mama K!

The cutest little Q! Love him!


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