Problem with Porn by Kenny Hibbard

There are at least 5000 reasons why I think this is important. I couldn't help but share.

Friday, February 27, 2009 by Kenny Hibbard

Problem With Porn
Warning....I am about to go off! If you are easily offended when someone tells you the may want to not read this BLOG today! This past week I have had way to many conversations with parents or leaders about the on-going and rising problem that many of our boys and teens are having with Internet pornography. This week we heard from some elementary boys (4 & 5th grade) that they had seen porn on their computers at home while doing research for a school project. Others in that group said they had been to a friends house and saw it there. Unbelievable!!!!

The issue is definitely huge with high school boys and we still have picture sharing on phones between girls and boys that of course gets passed around to all their friends. This is crazy......

If you read this as a parent of a should understand that your kids will at one time try and view porn at your home. They just will. So what is a parent to do????

You should do what we talk about here at least 5 times a year! GET A DARN INTERNET FILTER ON ALL COMPUTERS IN YOUR HOME! There are plenty of ones to choose from....but get one NOW! Not having an internet protection filter on ALL computers in your home is like spreading poison all over your house in every corner, on every seat, on every dish, spread all over the carpet, sprinkled on every toy.... and then hope that none of your kids will be poisoned.

Beyond basic filters, if you have teenage boys, you need to make sure that all computers have password safe entry so that the real tech smart ones can't beat the filter system. If the computer can't be turned on.....they can't beat the system. I know some families that have instituted that their computers are not allowed to be "on-line" after a certain hour at night and this is regulated by a pass word.

Some parents think....."I have a good kid who does not do those things.." Perfect, that is the kid you want to help. Remember the old saying..."Locks keep honest people honest." That is the principle are helping your kids who really want to do the right thing to do it! The teenager who wants to view porn and has a car...can drive anywhere he wants and get online for it. The at home safe guards help the boys and DAD stay away in those tempting moments.

Moreover, letting your kids go to some one's house to stay the night and not checking if that home is "safe" is irresponsible for any parent. If you ask someone that you are sending your kid to their house about the use of the computers in their home and they get offended.....then that is a great sign you don't let your kid stay the night there or even hang out there all day.

Parents.....C'mon we have to start using our heads and start being the parents in our homes. Trust me, your kids may not tell you "thanks" for all the protection you provide against the evil things lurching around on the Internet....but inside they are thankful that you care enough to help them do the right thing.

Here some ones you can go online and look at for help: Safe EyesTotal Guard Christian Internet Protection
There are many on line....go get one.

Lets not let our kids become addicts to porn and all the junk it does to their mind as it completely distorts their view of men/women relationships, what is appropriate and sex in general. It is an have the cure!

One more thing....most kids and teenagers at Team Church don't read my daily BLOG. So, please don't run to your kids and ask them if they are the ones who we are talking about. Trust me....your kids are the ones we are talking about. My son is the one we are talking about! All kids are the ones we are talking about. They don't need to know that you and I had this little talk. We want them to keep sharing freely at church!
Posted by Kenny Hibbard at 7:42 AM


shaebe27 said…
DITTO to all of that. i hope everyone reads this post!

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