I will conquer the grout.

Give me a challenging cleaning task, I dare you. I will find a way to make it clean again. Hence, our most recent project...tile grout. I am not a fan of real tile just because of the difficulty of keeping grout clean and nice. We moved into our apartment in October. I already cleaned the guest bathroom tile grout. It wasn't really dirty so I didn't notice a huge difference. However, today when I started working on the kitchen...oooh la la what a difference! Mad props to Zep Grout Whitener. (Please read all directions on the container, use gloves and open windows for ventilation!)
Thank you Zep for turning this...
Can you believe how dirty this tile was??

And after! Love it. If it's possible to love tile grout. Well, I do.
Into this!
I also used a small clorox scrubber to scrub the grout. I just let it sit for about 15 seconds, scrubbed, and then wiped with a hot washcloth. Let me know what you think!


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