November Highlights...

Hi are a few photos of some of the things we've been up to lately! I have deducted that most people prefer photos, while I have a few blog posts in my head that may not be photo related, I'll have to get to those a few days.
First Anniversary! We went to Adam's parents Cabin in the mountains and then to the Biltmore House for the day. I had not ever been before so it was a blast. We also hiked a few waterfalls.
Then there was Thanksgiving. We went to my parents at the coast.
Picking out the tree. We always get a NC Fraser Fir. 
Adam was kind enough to check all the lights :)
Then as tradition would have it, Greg and I put the lights on. 
And then we took some photos on the beach. You can see Adam and I in the background checking out ours haha!
And then there was the boat parade. 
Next up, meeting new baby Marla...our niece. 
  Me with Marla, and Adam with her.
Check back tomorrow for some pictures of the snow, Christmas, and New Years!


Taylor Lauren said…
I'm commenting before I forget:) Love it and Love you!! Can we make it our new years resolution to talk more? I miss you!

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