The family of God...

Picture: This is from our Wednesday night Hometeam.

Do you remember that song...well, I do, that song we would sing at the end of the service on Sunday morning while holding hands with everyone in the pew..."I'm so glad I'm apart of the family of God...I've been washed in the fountain, cleansed by His blood,...."
Picture: From Rebecca's Baby Shower, Kristi, Casey, and myself.

We had the Pursuit (our Youth large group meeting) on Sunday night and Brad had a talk with the kids about where we've been the past year and how to grow the student ministry. My cousin stopped in and she said it felt like she was coming into a family meeting. I thought that was really cool. We are a family. These kids, and these leaders, are my family. I love it.
Picture: Our fearless Youth Pastor Brad giving the thumbs up, with DJ - his beard, and the guys Picture: These are the girls homteam leaders. Haha.
Back row: Kristi, Rebecca, Me, Front row: Casey, Emily

I was reading my pastor's blog today and was just thinking about how the church is the body of Christ and we all have different parts. Most people don't figure out exactly who they are at 4 years old or 9 years old. It takes us a while. It takes us learning that we are all different people that God created that way to use in a very specific way in other people's lives for the glory of God. I see this in my high school girls. I see all the differences they have, but most of them are all friends, and I can see how God is using them in each other's lives. And I can tell you that one specifically, whether she knows her gifts or not, because she lives her life for Christ, her gifts are more visible. She is using them every day, and I can tell that she is growing in her walk with the Lord and that He is using her to impact the others. It's really an incredible thing. I imagine a day when I can see this in all the girls. They are getting there, and hopefully Kristi and I can continue this summer to build relationships with them and encourage them so that next year they will be even brighter lights to their friends at school and be able to encourage and hold each other accountable. I see great things.

Serving them, has also helped me to realize my strengths and weaknesses as well. The past year or two has helped me realize what my gifts are and how I can use them for God. I am me, and God made me that way. There are times when I think I talk too much, or am too loud, or too 'fun'. haha. And then there are times when I think I'm too closed, and too quiet. But I'm just me. I'm pretty friendly and outgoing and I like helpling people feel welcome. I really like throwing parties and get-togethers with people. I like social activities. I don't like being alone for long periods of time, unless it's on the beach for a day. I'm now living by myself again and it feels funny because I'm accustomed to being around people 24/7. I'm learning to be still and enjoy the quiet time God is providing me. I like going to get coffee (or hot chocolate because I drink that more often than coffee) but just sitting and talking (or listening) for a while. These are some of my gifts. I like organizing and planning these types of things and helping people that don't know how to. I think I'm okay at giving advice and helping people through problems. I have been through alot (which I don't regret because it has taught me alot about life, love, and forgiveness) and so I have a lot of experience in random things. And I can relate to these high school girls who have given me an opportunity to leave a stamp on their life somehow. My prayer is that they'll grow closer to God, and hopefully I can help them to do that.
Picture: Fun day in the yard Easter weekend, Kati, Desirea, Shay, Becca, Me, and Elisha


Katie said…
ginny, i hope you know how amazing you are!!! i love you!!!!

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