Why 401Ks are from the Devil.

1. I did not major in business or finance. Thank you humanities for making life complicated.
2. They do not teach you about 401Ks, retirement, insurance, or anything related to real life in college.
3. I have 3 401Ks right now. One is a Roth with Eola Capital. One is a Traditional with Eola Capital, and one is a Traditional with Cheersport. Why is my money in three places and why is it so stinkin hard to get it rolled over?
4. Noone knows enough to help me.
5. I have lost over 2 grand in 401K money in the past quarter. Thank you economic mess.
6. Dads, brothers, uncles, and husbands are supposed to help you with this. I'm not having much luck with any of these types of people.
7. Since my money is in with two companies, Eola had it with Paychex. I received a distribution notice if I don't change it over. Cheersport is with Adp. Again, more complicatedness. Again, noone with either of these companies is competant enough to help me get it straightened out.
8. I have a headache.


Jay said…
Dont worry we'll help ya. -raises hand, banker-

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