What do healthy people eat?

I know it's been a while. A long while since I've been in the blogosphere. I honestly haven't known what to write about. I could write about our finances or our job searches but those are so boring. Adam has continued to look for ministry jobs with no luck. We have gotten to several interviews but they didn't pan out. He's looking into some other non-ministry jobs in Charlotte, so we'll see.
Being a Mom is amazing and hard. :) I love it. I love her. What a gift from God! It definitely changes your life completely, hence, why I haven't blogged in a while. When I do have free time I tend to clean or balance our checkbook or do laundry or play on facebook. I didn't want to blog during my postpartum mess or during colic, for fear people would think I was crazy. And I've been posting photos on facebook and so many people are on there anyway.
So that brings me to what I want to write about...the thing I've noticed that mother hood has changed the most is...your waistline!
Obviously if you are a reader of mine you probably know that I had 4 months of bed rest where I was allowed to get up to fix lunch or shower and go to doctor appointments. I couldn't walk or exercise or do anything that required strength. I couldn't pick up a gallon of milk, for realz. Adam had to put it in a carafe for me every morning. He had to help me wash my feet. Yep. Humility.
Fast-forward to now. My back hurts. The left side is completely numb most of the time from picking her up. Since it hurts to exercise, I've had a hard time getting the baby weight off. I went to an orthopedic specialist this week where they did xrays. No spinal injuries at all. Just weak. They are sending me to physical therapy to get my strength back. I can't wait to really exercise again. Having been an athlete all my life, it is SO hard to not be able to do the things I want to do. I can't imagine those who have lost limbs or are paralyzed. It must be incredibly difficult.
The one thing I can change though, is my diet. My Mom and Dad both have health issues (Dad passed away when I was 21 from a heart attack). I grew up with southern cooking, little debbies, sweet tea, coffee with tons of sugar and cream, soda, and the list goes on. So, I wonder, what do healthy people eat? ;) I watch the biggest loser every week and the only foods they really highlight are the stuff from sponsors like the Jenny-O turkey and subway.
Last night I was asking Adam "What do healthy people eat?" For breakfast...like what does a healthy breakfast really look like? Egg whites and turkey bacon? Certainly not Eggos with butter and syrup or bacon and fried eggs over toast. So, today, I did my best and this is what I came up with.
It's PLAIN oatmeal. Harris Teeter organic rolled oats with organic honey and some strawberries. I also had a cup (just one) of coffee with a dash of creamer and a lot less sugar than normal. So, this is it. This is my beginning. If you have ideas for healthy meals let me know! :)


Lisa said…
My advice:

Don't eat big dinners. Always inlude a vegetable (stay away from canned. Try fresh or frozen).
Eat small portions. If you crave something sweet, eat small portions.
Limit your carb in take. (pasta and bread)

Limit the amount of Processed Foods. It is all over the grocery stores. You can google non processed foods for ideas.

Start looking at the ingredients. If there are more than 6 and you don't know what they are.. don't eat it.

Try eating Gluten free. (google gluten free foods) They are non processed. It is helping me and my digestive issues.

If you feel like snacking.. snack healthy. ( i love Kashi granola bars).

Don't skip meals.

The list can go on.. but these are a few that help me to eat healthy.
Ginny said…
Yea...I've been doing all these things. It's just coming up with actual meals. It takes a lot of time to be creative AND healthy and yummy. My mom has celiacs (has had it for years) so I get the gluten free thing, when we eat bread or pasta it's whole grain. What do you eat for breakfast and lunch? I do alright with dinners, but lunch is my hardest plan.

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