31 weeks, what a miracle

It's hard for me to believe that we've made it to 31 weeks with all the craziness that has happened. At 28 weeks I was taken off bed rest and just told to take it easy. So, the last two ish weeks were great. I had a baby shower (pics to come) and was able to get her nursery bedding washed, Adam put the crib together, we got the car seat in and inspected, etc. And then...
 Last week we spent Wednesday through Friday in labor and delivery in the hospital fighting off contractions. Dr. says she doesn't know where they came from, only that they showed up. My cervix was still plenty long enough "fort knox" she said and there were no signs of pre-term labor, only pre-term contractions. One of the tests they do gives a 99% proof that you won't go into labor in the next two weeks. That will put me at 32 1/2 weeks. If we can make it to 34 weeks it puts us past a lot of risks and I won't have to have certain injections before she's born (not that she hasn't had a bazillion already!). We are very thankful to have made it this far and appreciate everyone's prayers and support. I will spare you all of the details for now of my hospital stay, perhaps that is a blog for another day. I will say, it was awful going through what I needed to in order to keep her in there. But, it will all be worth it.
Things are changing around here in the McCullough household. There's a lot going on and a lot of praying about decisions being made in the future. I'm sure it will be a long process of God's unfolding each day by day. In the meantime, we'll just continue to grow a baby and rest in His loving arms. :)


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