Baby McCullough

I started off the year saying that I was going to do a picture a day, and then, well, we found out I was pregnant on January 10th! It's hard to blog about "other" things when you have such exciting things going on. So, that's why I haven't followed through on my promise and why I haven't been blogging. :)
We are in fact, having a baby! We are due on September 23rd, and we find out in about a month if it's a boy or a girl. YES, we are definitely going to find out. I'm sure I will be just as surprised that a human being found it's way out of me, after God created it in me when it comes. I like to plan, I like to decorate...and what other excuse in your life do you have to purposefully spend 6-9 months on one room in your house and noone can judge you?!! I am fully going to take advantage of this situation! :-)
I'll post some pictures later - if you haven't already seen them on facebook. I really was overwhelmed this morning by the outpouring of support from people excited for us! It made us feel really good. What a journey this will be!
If any of you have any great parenting books, blogs, your favorite baby items, etc. that you'd like to share, please do!


Julie said…
YAY!! Congrats Ginny! How exciting! I agree with you completely on finding out! You are going to LOVE being a Mama and will be such a good one! I am looking forward to following your journey on your blog. :)
Ginny said…
Thanks Julie!! I hope I can update a little better :)

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