2012 and I've got a story to tell. A year in pictures.

Every year Tay and I, or well, I don't remember who started it... but anyway, we name the year. 2009 was "A time to shine", 2010 was "Let the fun begin", etc. But, this year... I am borrowing an idea from Taylor's new blog, and I am going to post a picture every day of the year on this blog. Not that my life is all that exciting, but this will be a great way for me to blog and share our story. Our crazy life story. 
I hope everyone had a great New Year's Eve :) We are in Atlanta (or Villa Rica, really) visiting my in-laws and doing Christmas with them. On New Year's eve we opened Christmas presents, ate KFC, painted Joyce and Dennis' dining room as their gift, and then went over to Aaron and Val's house to light lanterns. You know, like the movie tangled. IT.WAS.AWESOME. 
Here are a few pictures from the experience! If I had a better camera, (sponsor's welcome) I'd probably have better pictures of the lanterns in the air. 
 Adam and Valerie with their lanterns.
 Aaron and Val watching a lantern go up into the sky
 Me and my lantern
 Ava watched from the porch
A tired Ava after all the festivities on uncle Adam's lap :)


Julie said…
Sounds like you had a very busy, but awesome Christmas and New Year! Love the idea of a picture a day. :)

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