Not the cool kids

There was a time in my life (not so very long ago) that I thought I might have something meaningful to say and somebody somewhere might read it. Haha... the truth is, I am just a sinful human being like anybody else humbled that God would send his son to die on a cross for me so I can go to heaven. The craziest part is that there are people in this world that don't know that fact. You don't have to teach a kid to steal, you have to teach them to share. When a baby is crying, that baby is a sinner just like the rest of us. We aren't holy like God. We can't spend eternity with him unless we become holy like God. Such a concept. Realizing it, and realizing all the selfish things we do in this life is key to knowing we need God's grace and mercy and Jesus living a perfect life replaces our sinful non-perfect life. There are people in this world that don't know that. When you are alive, you are living for one of two things. Yourself or God. I want to help people know that! I don't want to look back on my life and it have been wasted, even one minute. I want it to be used for something...for God and for people coming to realize that a life lived for God might be harder, it might be challenging, but as Tracy Quinn once told me "It is rewarding". And that girl knew what she was talkin' about. I feel blessed. Not because I'm some perfect person or because I have done anything good in my life, but because God has lined up the steps and people in my life so that I would be close to Him. I chose to accept Jesus as my savior, but God helped me get there. For anyone that prayed for me, thank you. For my grandparents that took us to church when I was little, thank you. For Paula who drove us there when noone else could, thank you. For my Dad who dedicated his life to the Lord after living a crazy life and set the example for me in redemption. I want to tell other people. To the ends of the earth. Or my backyard, whatever. If you are sad, there is hope. Lonely, afraid, confused, scared, arrogant, mean, or just feel like you're missing something, there is hope. And his name is Jesus. He lived this life perfectly and without making any mistakes so that he would take our place and we can live through him! The father sees us through him. How cool is that?!
I don't know where the title of my blog came from, somedays I feel like we aren't the cool kids. My mom used to sing us the song about worms ..."nobody likes me, everybody hates me, I think I'll eat some worms".... anyway, if you feel that way, Jesus loves you. And so do we. The not so cool kids :-)


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