Life Stages

Something spurred (is that the right word) in me today thoughts about stages of life. I was talking on the phone last week with a friend about how even though we are married women now, we don't want to exclude ourselves to only talking and hanging out with married women. When I was single, I hung out with singles, married people, people with children, old people...whatever :) I notice however that some people choose to only hang with people in their 'life stage'. I find there is something completely wrong about this. That's my opinion and I'm stickin' to it! Although I am not as fun of a playdate as someone with children, I think I'm pretty fun. ;) I'm kidding. But seriously, I think that sometimes people can get into this phase where, because they relate better with someone in their life stage, they choose to only spend time with them. There is much to be learned and shared with others in their different life stages. I love being around moms with children because I like to observe different parenting techniques. I've learned so much already. What if those moms were 'too cool' to hang out with me? I would have missed out! I also learned a lot about marriage from my 'marrieds' when I was single. It was a huge blessing to witness others marriages. So, although we might be in a different stage, don't exclude yourselves from others. Be open to spending time with whomever the Lord calls you that day!


Lauren V. said…
Thanks for the reminder of the value in gaining wisdom from all kinds of other believers! I find that my issue isn't so much my unwillingness to hang out with friends who are single or have babies, but their perception that I don't, and therefore a lack of connecting at all. It's sad, but at the same time, it's giving me an opportunity to begin to pour into a new set of ladies that I might not have otherwise had!
Ginny said…
I think that's true too...a lot of it is perception. Good point!

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