I finished!

As of yesterday, September 10th...I finished reading the new testament! Every single word! For some of my readers (whoever you are out there...) you know I have been working on this for a long time. I think I started when Adam and I got engaged last May (09). So, obviously it took me a while, but I did it! It has definitely helped me be more disciplined with my quiet times in the mornings. Most of my life I have had a hard time with what to read or study for quiet times. It was always easy at a camp or retreat when someone gave you something to read with follow up questions. I would definitely recommend trying something like this. I was never one to stick to a specific bible reading plan but taking it at my own pace and just one day at a time was feasable. I think Adam picked up with me somewhere in Romans or Acts when we got married so it has been fun to read along with him too. I do think I'm going to do some studying on revelation because it left me confused of course. But other than that... onward with the old testament! Anyone want to join with me? I read Genesis 1 today ;)
Happy Monday ya'll!


Julie said…
That's great Ginny! Don't worry...it took me over two years to read the New Testament. I not only read every word, but also every foot note (in my life application bible). Definitely pays to take your time. I find that I am able to recall so much. I am now in the Old Testament and finishing up Leviticus. Let me know when you get close. I am definitely on the "slow track"..you may just pass me up :)

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