70 Years of Marriage!

My great grandparents celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary on March 6, 2010. They have this "house" across the way from their house that we use for parties. It's called "The Christmas House" and year-round, it has a fully decorated Christmas tree. And a red couch of course. Papaw had a huge farm, a bazillion acres, orchards etc. So now, he buys old school trailers and puts them out in the pastures. Why not right. 
Papaw still picks flowers and comes around to the front door and rings the doorbell and gives them to Mamaw :)
Adam and I in front of the Christmas House.
 Ryder and Papaw.  
Ryder and Samantha. 
Papaw and Mamaw.
The decor :)
 Greg and Papaw.
Ed cooking his "free range" chickens. Haha.
Our friend Rebecca Fish designed the cake and made it. Her website is www.artfishdesign.com 
Isn't it pretty?!
 Here's to 70 years of marriage! That is incredible!
Congratulations Art and Clara :)
We love you!


Jay said…
awesome :)
Hope you and Adam celebrate 70 years :) i realize what age that would make you...but hey anythings possible ;) heh
Lisa said…
That is awesome! Have they told you there secret to 70 years? Did they ever have rough patches? If so what is their advice of getting through it.
Ginny said…
They haven't really told any 'secrets'. They just still laugh and have fun together. They always have each other's backs :)

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