Baggage or something like it.

I travel, alot. Today in the office we were talking about how everyone is charging to check baggage now. US Airways is 15 a bag and if it's over 50 pounds you still have to pay another 25 bucks for it. They are making 15 dollars off every person that checks one, and some check two. What in the world?! As if they don't make enough money by raising airline prices. The only benefit I can see is the planes now have less luggage so they weigh less so they use less fuel?
Luggage and Baggage are similar terms. I sordof understand the term Baggage. You're carrying a bag. Why not call it Suitcaseage? Where does luggage come from? Is it because you are lugging something around? I need to research this more.

Where does the term baggage come from in life? When referring to...any issues people have. Friend baggage, relationships baggage, home-life baggage. We all carry 'baggage'. Who decided to coin that term and it have negative connotation? I wonder who the first person was that said "Man, I've got alot of emotional baggage!" And why does that mean its bad?
How often is it that luggage or baggage that you travel with or check at the airport is bad? Unless you check something illegal, it isn't considered a bad thing. Try explaining the term emotional baggage to someone that doesn't speak english. Haha.

I was talking with Shae about stuff like 'baggage' today. There was one point when I had over 1,000 emails in my yahoo account. I decided to delete most of em, and now they've all piled up again. Problem is, I didn't delete any of the folders I had saved stuff in. I have a folder for my brother's wedding that was supposed to happen last May and then didn't. Um, pretty safe to say it's okay to delete it. I went through my storage last summer and got rid of a ton of stuff. I had saved every single note anyone had written me since the 5th grade. I got rid of all of that last summer, but ridiculous that I kept it for so long. Lots of shoeboxes of letters. Same problem with giving clothes to goodwill. Need to get on that. I own an insane....insane, amount of photos. That...I'm not changing ;).

Friends have told me that my life seems organized. I'm not so sure how organized it is or not, but I think I just like having things simple. The more organized my life is, the less drama? Um, sure a psychologist would have a fun time with that one!


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