Unsung Heroes

I read a book last year called "Strong Women, Soft Hearts" by Paula Rinehardt. It's a great book about being a godly woman and having a gentle and quiet spirit but still making an impact in the world. I sometimes have a loud voice, loud opinions, loud goals or a loud laugh. But I hope that even through them, I have a gentle spirit.
There are certain women in my life that have that kind of spirit. I'm not sure if I could describe them to you and do them justice, but I will try. When you are around them you feel at ease and the conversation is effortless. They are easy to talk with and you don't feel like you have to sugar-coat or leave out part of your thoughts. You can be real and truthful and feel safe because you know they will try to understand and give you an honest response. You also know when they give you their thoughts - they are going to give you a biblical response. Reminds me of the verse "Let a righteous man strike me—it is a kindness; let him rebuke me—it is oil on my head. My head will not refuse it." Psalm 141:5. You know when they say "I'll be praying for you about that" they really mean it. Through life's trials they rest in the Lord. Through sadness, pain, hard times and good times, they trust that the situation will be okay and that the Lord works for the good of those who love him. They have a way with their children. (Two of them have children, two do not). In teaching their children about Christ, about life and being obedient they are not irrational or impatient. All of them are married and have great relationships with their husbands and I can't help but think it has do to with their love for Christ and their gentle spirit. They are loving, speak kindly and teach truth. I admire their calm - their peace in each day. I have enjoyed watching and learning from these women and hope to someday have the same kind of spirit they do. They are my unsung heroes.


Emily Fox said…
I loved that book, it was so good!! I love those kind of women as well :) you should come to raleigh and let's all hang out soon...

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