Occam's Razor

"All other things being equal, the simplest solution is the best."

This was a quote in my planner, Meredith and I were browsing through the pictures so I decided to blog it. I like my planner with quotes and pictures, I may order a new one for 09.
I don't think God made things to be complicated. He gave us a choice. One simple choice. To love him and obey his will, or not. Adam and Eve disobeyed. Thus making life complicated. Thank you - now there is birth pain and man must work his whole life and no more Garden of Eden where life was simple. Drama free.
I try hard to make life simple and drama free. Sometimes drama comes our way...and you just have to dodge it or find the best way to deal with it. There are a lot of things we can't control that we try to. It's also easy to try and 'fix' everyone or every problem that comes along. You can't 'fix' or control everyone else. You just can't, even though you may want to.
I think about all the stores and companies that now try to make life simple. It's funny. The magazine Real Simple. All the Real Simple supplies that you can now get at Target. There are organizing companies, one in Charlotte named "The Pea". There's The Container Store, Organized Living, and the list goes on. People are constantly trying to live simply and get organized. If you do, you can spend more time on the things that matter instead of trying to manage whatever mess you have conjured up or let slide. At least, that's my philosophy.
Food for thought - what do ya'll do to make life simpler? I'm up for ideas.


You got me really interested with the Occam's Razor title. I thought you were going to get real deep and philosophical. Gotta say I was a bit disappointed that it came from your day planner though. But I did like what you had to say. A truly drama free life would be nice.
Ginny said…
Haha, yeah I wasn't in a deep philosophical mood yesterday. Sorry to disappoint!

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