Millie Hollomon photography. Absolutely amazing. Her blog is My old roomate Rebecca is a photographer for her company now. Millie photographed Rebecca's wedding, that I was in - and her photography is just amazing. I feel like I should say this! Shelly Moore Band. Shelly was also my roomate in college also - with Rebecca. We had a house on Swift. It was an amazing house. We had acoustic sessions all the time, and shag parties on the deck covered with white lights, and lots and lots of singing. Shelly has a band, and it's pretty wonderful. She praises Jesus with her voice and Mike's guitar. . You should buy her cd. Charlotte South Fellowship Where I hang out, praise Jesus, and learn more about Him. Where I spend time with the High Schoolers. Where I listen to KC Clark's voice on Sunday mornings and Kenny's preaching. Where I serve. . Cheersport Where I work. . I plan cheerleading co...
I'm buying Chacos. And I'm excited. There was a time in my life when I thought people who wore these were weird hippies or something. But then I'd be the one rafting with soggy tennis shoes that I couldn't wear ever again running with decent support. Then came Josh Hinton and Margaret Sanders and now...I am going to buy my very own. Haha. The older I get, the more I want to be outdoors doing stuff. I've always known I'm not a "corporate world super office type"...although I've held two of those jobs, and held my own might I say! But, I am growing more to love hiking and nature and water and well, all the things God made that we haven't ruined yet. So...Chacos here I come!
I was telling my friend Kristi the other day that we sordof feel like Fish on Land. Out of place, awkward, and not sure what we are supposed to do to survive. Our lives have been a whirlwind since...well...awhile. We left the church Adam was on staff with Easter Sunday. Since then, we have been praying and asking God what and where we are supposed to do next. Move to Charlotte, move to Wilmington, move to somewhere a church hires us. Do we look for church positions or look for secular we look for student ministry jobs or another type of ministry? Do we sell or rent our house? What are we supposed to do? The answer to these questions are not yet decided. We have had some contacts for jobs but nothing has come through yet. We think we might want to move to Wilmington if we can find something. We pray every night asking God that we stay in His will. Knowing all along that what His will might be is that we just trust in Him and be patient. Trusting that He will provide. That H...