Life is a "choose your own adventure" book

Was having this conversation the other day about how life is a series of a 'choose your own' adventure books. Every day we are faced with questions and decisions. We are faced with yes or no questions, and right or wrong choices, or do this, or don't do this opportunities. Think about it...every single thing you do, you have one way to do it, or not. I can order a double cheeseburger, or a salad. I can go for a run, or not. I can get out of bed and smile, or frown. I can make efforts to put in 100 % or 98. All these are my choices. Free will. And sometimes my decisions affect others and sometimes they don't. Isn't that crazy?

Life's picked up some these past couple of weeks with Nationals coming up. The phone rings alot more and my hours are heavier. Still a happy place to be working. My schedule is a little bit crazier with trying to fit things in, especially relaxing times, but it works. Just takes a little more discipline. I have friends having babies all over the place, which is very exciting! Life's series of continiously moving. There's a Carrie Underwood song titled 'Carnival Ride' and I really like it, because it talks about how life never stops or slows down. We can choose to slow our own down, but the world around us keeps on going. Kindof a cool thought.

I'm at a crossroads right now. I'm living at home and trying to decide where to move out to. Rent, or move in with someone else, or stay at home (not really a great option at this point). There's always the move to Raleigh idea, but that's gotta come on direct order from God. And I'd miss things here dearly. My high school girls, church, job etc. So that's a wait and see kind of thing.

The good news is, I feel like God is in control and I'm wanting him to have that control. And I'm praying that I listen if he is speaking to me so that I don't miss something he's trying to say to me. So, I guess, I'm wanting life to be more of a God's direction - Ginny hopefully makes the best choice adventure book. haha.
For you music lovers, check out the song by Carrie, Carnival Ride. It's pretty great. :)


shellyeve said…
umm - you're wonderful - have i told you that lately? :)

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