Profound thoughts...

GIHP...or, the Girls in Hot Pursuit. I wish I could fully explain the way I feel about these girls and how awesome I think they are. God moves in weird but cool ways - and my life during the past year has been a big question mark to me, as it is to most people majority of the time. We go through life and can't see to the next day so we pray and trust that God is in control; and because he knows what is in our path, we just follow him and know that it will all work out in his will as it should. And if it doesn't, we figure out how to make that happen. I've heard alot lately about the vine and the branches, Shelly wrote a song about it and it's been mentioned several times around me lately. I am grafted into him, he is in me, and because the holy spirit who lives in me, I can hear his voice and he teaches me something new every day. He keeps me in line, he reminds me when I need to 'cowgirl up'. But to explain where these girls fit in, and Charlotte South, and just makes my heart happy. In 2007, the first part of it was a ridiculously hard year for me, and most of 2006 actually. Fortunately I had friends and family to pick me up and help me get out of the situation that I was in that was unhealthy for me. But I didn't know what the future held or how I was going to get through it, and I was stuck in wondering why bad things happen to 'good' people, and why the 'bad' people go on living their lives in a lie but covering it up as though they have it all together. So when that madness ended in May, I was left confused and wondering where to go. I remember sitting with some of my friends, Shae, Kristin, Janet, Rebecca, Jay, Shelly... what do I do now? Do I move back to Raleigh? Do I try to get another job in Real Estate in the corporate world and keep moving up that ladder? Do I stay here in Charlotte where everything is a constant reminder of the past year? Real Estate isn't what I'm gifted in, sitting in my office 9-5 dealing with Brokers wasn't what God made me to do, I knew that. But I didn't know where he wanted me to go.

Then at the end of May by the grace of God, he gave me a new job at Cheersport. Doing Event Planning, which is what I majored in, and what I know I'm good at doing. Organizing is my thing. Administrating things, letting people know their responsibilities, making big things happen out of nothing, that's what God made me good for. Parties, get-togethers, etc...and Cheerleading Competitions. That's what I do. And it's fun, and I needed that in my life and God knew that. I now have a boss that prayed with me when I heard the news about Janet, and who prays for my family and friends, and co-workers who encourage me daily. It's amazing and I am fortunate. So, the summer went by and I tought a few camps and travelled alot and visited alot of gyms. I visited Forest Hill a few times, and joined in a women's life group/bible study.

And then, in October... Janet died. This friend of mine who met me at Jackelope Jacks, and at Harper's, and at Cheesecake Factory (yes we liked to eat good food alot) to help calm my nerves and figure out life...she was an amazing person. We met in January when she started helping with the Youth at Charlotte South. People thought we looked alike, we both liked to run, shop, we both worked in the Corporate world and would meet sometimes for lunch at Phil's downtown. She had lost her mom, I had lost my dad. I came and watched her get baptized, and I loved the other youth leaders too. And then, this summer, I stopped going to CSF...for the most part. I felt like it reminded me of the struggles I had been dealing with the past year, when in reality now I see it has helped heal my heart. I missed the kids, I missed my pastor, I missed the fellowship...we had a new youth pastor who loved the kids and was passionate about growing them, but I felt like I couldn't go back because I felt like everyone thought I was a mess. That wasn't true, but it's what I was thinking at the time. Janet kept trying to get me to come out, so I came to a few Wednesday night fellowship services. She tried to get me to start back in September, but I was still nervous. Then on October 8th, she went to be with Jesus. And it has changed my life. When I talked to Kristi that morning, I just felt like I had to be there. I felt like I needed to be at the service, I felt like I needed to be back there. I didn't know why or how to explain it, but I knew if I fought it, it would be wrong. I would be going against God's will. So I went. I went on Sunday morning and I went on Sunday night. And then I went to help on Wednesday night with the girls. I felt like I should be there and I wanted to help. I didn't want them to think I was a replacement, because noone can replace someone's just not possible. You can only be what you are meant to be, and help be there when they need a shoudler to cry on or a friend. I know that God put these girls in hot pursuit in my life and I am thankful for that. For the opportunity to serve in that way. To be passionate about their lives and what God is doing in their lives. To allow him to use me. So, I have figured out I guess that not only is event planning my thing, but the girls in hot pursuit are too! I love these girls, and I love Kristi, and I love Charlotte South. I'm glad it is where God has me.


Patti said…
That's awesome Ginny!! Praise God :)

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