
Last night I was analyzing what it takes to 'heal' your heart, or in this case, my heart. I even went over a sord-of check list with my best friend..ok here's what I'm doing, haha. Counselor-check, prayer-check, word-check, more prayer-check, reading-check, spending more time on me-check, staying single for a while-check. Taking myself out of the situation-check, not getting sucked back into the on-going stuff that keeps coming up-check.
So now, time. Hopefully sooner than later and I'm not leaving anything out on the heal-to-do list. God can heal my heart and I know that he will. And I'm excited about what God is doing, because seriously, other than the past week of mishaps, God is working in my life and I know he is blessing me because of obedience to get out of something that was bringing me down. It's exciting...the job and friends and fun things I'm getting to do. And I know I'll fall in love again, and that's exciting too...God's man in God's time for God's purpose. :) I'm such a dork. haha.


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