What would a girl do without Frosted Flakes?

Here's a bit of analytical psychobabble for you. Enjoy. It's Thursday evening...8:04pm. I have been running around all day trying to be productive. Thus far, success. Now, however, I am sitting in my lil apartment over the garage in fleece pants, a warm Blair sweatshirt, socks, and a ponytail. I just finished a bowl of frosted flakes. I love frosted flakes. I love them anytime of the day but particularly at night. I was just sitting here thinking, why do I love frosted flakes at night? I was also thinking how I'd give anything to have a ten minute conversation with my dad at this stage in my life. I'm getting ready to get married, move to a new city, and start a whole new season of life. If he were around, we'd have been chatting this up from day one. So tonight as I was thinking a phone call to dad would be lovely, I eat a bowl of frosted flakes instead. Literally - thought process went - "man, I'd really love to talk with my dad right now...dad and I always ate cereal at night, I'm going to have cereal, mmm frosted flakes".
I am a freak. Lol.
I'm thinking of the things he'd tell me...
He'd first tell me how great of a guy I'm marrying
He'd tell me we're spending too much on a wedding
He'd be mad I'm not getting married near water
He'd say he's gonna wear a hat when he walks me down the aisle
Probably that he'd want a special thanks in the program LOL
That he'd be singing a song in the wedding
How many women he was going to dance with at the reception
That he'd want me to pull off in his corvette (which we don't have anymore)
And he'd remind me he was never getting married again, haha.
So with all that, I'm going to continue sitting here and eating frosted flakes on this Thursday night.


shaebe27 said…
i love this blog!!! its amazing. all of it:) thanks so much for sharing!! i didnt know whether to laugh or cry..love you!

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