
I Ginny Alley, resolve, to not have a resolution this year.
1. The past two years I have kept one, and not kept one.
2. Overrated?
3. Life changes are not resolutions. They are life changes.
4. The Truth is this...there are way too many things I want to learn to do or try this year and I can't decide on just one, or to do all of them. I probably just need more discipline. That could be my resolution.
1. Play the piano
2. Run another 1/2 marathon (Yep, lost my mind)
3. Eat healthier
4. Drink more water
5. Start a company
6. Take dance lessons
7. Work out 5 days a week
8. Work out in the mornings 5 days a week!
9. Pray more
10. Read more
11. Time to shine in 09

I really enjoy all the definitions of Resolution. Maybe I could just be the definition for my resolution. Thoughts??

The definition of RESOLUTION and its synonyms:
Main Entry:resolution
Part of Speech:noun
Definition:determination, strong will
Synonyms:aim, boldness, constancy, courage, dauntlessness, decidedness, decision, declaration, dedication, doggedness, earnestness, energy, firmness, fixed purpose, fortitude, guts*, heart*, immovability, intent, intention, judgment, mettle, moxie*, obstinacy, perseverance, pluck, purpose, purposefulness, purposiveness, relentlessness, resoluteness, resolve, settlement, sincerity, spirit, spunk, staunchness, staying power, steadfastness, stubbornness, tenacity, verdict, willpower


Taylor Lauren said…
I'm running another half this year if you want to join me:)

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