The best advice I have been given...
was to have no expectations. Thank you Rebecca Schlieman :) As I am around others with children, I am realizing that part of the reason they are unhappy, disappointed, and frustrated is because they had these expectations of what being a Mom was going to be like. I guess they thought that their children would automatically take long naps, that they wouldn't be exhausted, or irritable, or have feelings of sadness or depression. All I know is that everywhere I turn, I hear negative comments about motherhood. My least favorite terminology is "oh, you just wait". Um, wait for.... the world to end? Something terrible to happen? Don't talk to me like that about having a child. I don't want to hear your negativity. Now, don't get me wrong - I realize that motherhood is not going to be easy. Should I say that again? I realize that motherhood is not going to be easy. It's not like when you get married and go into this honeymoon stage and then wake up realizing marr...