Dear God,

Dear God,
It would really be great if I would win the Pottery Barn Benjamin Moore Room Makeover.

I have been going to the facebook post and entering every day to win this sweepstakes. It kindof bugs me that everyone writes their own sob story on the facebook page to try to get whoever decides the winner to 'pick them'. Most of these people write that they have had the same furniture 25 years, just bought a new house, or my favorite...every other room in their house is PB so they need the last one they have put off as the last one to decorate to match. LOL.

So, if I were to write on their wall, I'd write something like...

Pottery Barn,
Adam and I moved 4 times last year, every piece of furniture in our house is a hand me down, we have three empty rooms, and we are on Dave Ramsey's plan to get out of debt, so furniture isn't something we'll be buying anytime soon. Since June 24th I have lost both my great grandmother's, my best friend's mom passed away from cancer, and my husband's cousin died this week. We are tired of all the sorrow and want something to be cheerful about. :) We want living room furniture so we can have our families over for holidays and our bible studies at our house and have plenty of seating for everyone! 
The McCulloughs :)


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