Still shinin' in 09.
What a year it has been and will continue to be. A journey for sure. To think back already so far this year, it started New Years in Raleigh with lots of great friends, then my birthday in Charlotte with lots of great friends and surprised by Adam, another year spent working on Valentines day, being 'fired' or whatever you may call it, getting engaged, planning a wedding, losing an uncle, moving twice already...what a year eh? Lots of ups and downs and through it all I hope I come out of this year 'shining'. I'm still on my journey of getting in shape and reading through the New Testament for those of you who may have been keeping up. I just started Acts and am really excited about reading through this book. Already I have been better about picking it up and reading it daily this week. The gospels are great because you get to learn about Jesus's life, death, and resurrection from different points of view... but I'm liking Acts too because it is teaching me ...