
Showing posts from April, 2011

20 Questions

There are several blog posts coming at you soon. One with how ridiculous I think it is our government has debt at all let alone the idea to raise the debt ceiling. If I said to you guys "we have 60,000 dollars debt this year but we're thinking of raising it to 70,000 just so we don't go over" would have me committed. Dear Lord, please let Dave Ramsey help our government. Or Ryan from Wisconsin-I like him too. Moving on... My sweet friend April tagged me in this 20 questions deal and since I think these are fun every now and then, I'm doing it! Rule #1: The tagged person must write their answers on their blog and replace any questions they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves. Rule #2: Tag 4 people to do this quiz. The tag-ee must state who tagged them. 1. What is one word that can best be used to describe you? Hodgepodge. I am somewhere in the middle of a free spirit and a nerd. I am organized, clean, and like things to make sense but I...

Gazelle Intensity AKA Discipline

Oh lovely lamp. We received 2 of these for a wedding shower gift. We did not register for lamp shades. Long story short - until we either A. Get a gift card or B. Get out of debt, these will continue to be shade-less. I am not ashamed. If you come into my home and I show you our bedroom, I will say..."Dave says we can't have lampshades yet". And someday when we are completely debt free, I will remember these lamps and their nakedness. :-)