Not the cool kids
There was a time in my life (not so very long ago) that I thought I might have something meaningful to say and somebody somewhere might read it. Haha... the truth is, I am just a sinful human being like anybody else humbled that God would send his son to die on a cross for me so I can go to heaven. The craziest part is that there are people in this world that don't know that fact. You don't have to teach a kid to steal, you have to teach them to share. When a baby is crying, that baby is a sinner just like the rest of us. We aren't holy like God. We can't spend eternity with him unless we become holy like God. Such a concept. Realizing it, and realizing all the selfish things we do in this life is key to knowing we need God's grace and mercy and Jesus living a perfect life replaces our sinful non-perfect life. There are people in this world that don't know that. When you are alive, you are living for one of two things. Yourself or God. I want to help people know...