
Showing posts from October, 2010

Life Stages

Something spurred (is that the right word) in me today thoughts about stages of life. I was talking on the phone last week with a friend about how even though we are married women now, we don't want to exclude ourselves to only talking and hanging out with married women. When I was single, I hung out with singles, married people, people with children, old people...whatever :) I notice however that some people choose to only hang with people in their 'life stage'. I find there is something completely wrong about this. That's my opinion and I'm stickin' to it! Although I am not as fun of a playdate as someone with children, I think I'm pretty fun. ;) I'm kidding. But seriously, I think that sometimes people can get into this phase where, because they relate better with someone in their life stage, they choose to only spend time with them. There is much to be learned and shared with others in their different life stages. I love being around moms with childr...

We've movin in!

This weekend we will move into an apartment! I cannot contain my excitement :) But then again, why should I? We have been out of our house in Augusta since June so we've been staying in different places...and we are so ready to be settled again. It's been a huge blessing to stay with friends and learn to be content in any circumstance but we are looking forward to our own little space. I house-sat for so many years that my stuff was in storage for 4 1/2 years before we got married. I still have stuff that is in boxes from 2005! Needless to say I am ready to unpack and organize and decorate. Just part of being a woman, wanting things to be "homey". It's hard to believe that this season of our life is coming to an end because it has been such a whirlwind experience. We have learned a lot about life and about each other. Our marriage is definitely stronger from it all. What a first year! We will definitely be celebrating come November! We sold the truck this week so ...